Von Steuben : 504 vs IEP
What is the difference between an IEP plan and a 504 plan?
IEPs are annual and provide additional intentional interventions through specialized instructional goals and objectives. 504 plans provide accommodations without the need for specialized instruction and do not need to be updated every year.
Who might Qualify for a 504 Plan?
Some examples are:
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Diabetes.
- Epilepsy.
- Hearing problems or vision impairment.
- Chronic health conditions, such as asthma or allergies.
- Mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression
How do I get a 504 Plan for my Student?
Step 1 → Document your child’s needs (I.E. Medical diagnosis, private evaluations, school work etc.) As these will be helpful in the evaluation process.
Step 2 → Write a formal request for a 504 Plan to Ms. Schaul the Case Manager. [email protected]
Step 3 → Upon receipt of your referral, the school team has 14 school days to determine if an evaluation for a 504 is warranted.
- During the 14 school days they will review the request, including all the supporting information that you have provided, and conduct preliminary procedures. Preliminary procedures may include observations of the student, consultation with the teacher(s), parents and/or a conference with the student to determine if an evaluation is warranted.
Step 4 → Should a 504 evaluation be deemed warranted, the team would request consent from you to evaluate your student. From there, evaluations and an initial eligibility meeting must be completed in 60 calendar days of receipt of the signed consent to evaluate form.