National Honor Society
What is the National Honor Society?
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their past accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
SCHOLARSHIP: NHS members are committed to the pursuit of knowledge. As life-long learners, they see every experience as a chance to gain understanding.
SERVICE: NHS members are expected to perform voluntary service in your school or community "with a positive, courteous and enthusiastic spirit."
LEADERSHIP: NHS members display leadership qualities at school or community activities. Members participate in a variety of engaging extracurricular activities in and out of school.
CHARACTER: NHS members consistently display good character traits, including, morality, cooperation, honesty, reliability and courtesy. NHS Members are model students.
Why should you aim to join NHS? Check out this informational video created by our former officers!
Students are invited to join NHS based on outstanding performance in the the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character and the assessment of a faculty council. It is important to note that membership in NHS is an honor bestowed upon a student, and not a right accorded to any academically gifted student.
All students who meet the following criteria will be invited to apply to NHS:
- Sophomore or junior standing at the time of application
- Minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5
- 20 individual service hours for sophomores and 30 individual service hours for juniors
Notes on individual service hours:
- Service hours must be on record prior to the end of 1st semester of your invitation year.
- Classroom-based projects, including the Freshman Connection project, do not count as individual hours and will not be factored into NHS eligibility.
- Any hours completed for payment, including being an Election Judge, will not count toward NHS eligibility.
- Please review the Service Learning section of the Von website for more information.
The selection process includes following steps:
- Prospective candidates are invited to an informational meeting.
- Students submit an application to the NHS advisors.
- Candidates obtain character recommendations from Von Steuben faculty and extra-curricular sponsors.
- A faculty council evaluates applications and recommendations.
- Candidate names are submitted to the Von Steuben faculty and staff for feedback regarding merits of each candidate’s character and leadership ability.
- All candidates are notified of their status.
- Students who are accepted will be inducted into NHS in a formal ceremony.
Selection Timeline*
- February: Application Invitation Distribution & Informational Meeting
- March: Application Deadline
- April: Formal Acceptance Notification Distribution
- Late April/Early May: NHS Induction Ceremony
*Specific dates will be communicated to invited applicants and new members.
2025 NHS SELECTION: Candidate Application Materials
All items due by Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 3:30 pm.
- Candidate Application
- Submit Candidate Application HERE.
- Recommendation Form (to be completed by recommenders)
- Maintain a 3.5 unweighted GPA or higher
- Be an excellent school citizen (no involvement in a Category 5 or 6 Code of Conduct violations)
- Volunteer at school activities such as the Open House, the NHS-sponsored Blood Drive, and Graduation as needed
- Active participation in school activities
- Provide a minimum of 15 hours of documented tutoring at Von Steuben during the school year
- Complete a minimum of 20 hours of service learning through NHS service projects
- Lead at least one service activity or project open to all members
- Be present and on time to NHS meetings
- Participate in special meetings and activities required for membership, such as those relating to Blood Drive, Induction Ceremony, etc.
NHS members who fail to meet the requirements for membership will be notified, placed on probation, and a dismissal hearing will be scheduled. NHS members involved in a Category 5 or 6 violations resulting in 3 or more days of suspension automatically revoke their membership.
Ms. Elena Villarreal [email protected]
Mr. Benjamin Hannon [email protected]
2024 - 2025 NHS OFFICERS
President: Asfia Farheen
Vice President: Isabella Chaidez
Activities Director: Ashley Quintero
Secretary: Yasmin Navarro