Counseling » Counseling


 The Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center counseling department offers a comprehensive school counseling program that provides support in the areas of personal and social development, academic achievement, and college and career attainment. Our program is built on the beliefs that all students are able to learn and grow, all students deserve an advocate and equitable services, and all students of every grade level should participate in the counseling program. We encourage students to participate fully in counseling activities and to take advantage of the many resources Von Steuben has to offer, including tutoring, summer program partnerships, school clubs, organizations, and athletics. If students experience personal issues that interfere with success in school, we invite them to speak with us so that goals can be set and reached with guidance and support. 
Vision: Through participation in the counseling program, all students at Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center achieve postsecondary success and realize their full potential. Students are empowered to develop social and emotional wellness, college and career readiness, and the skills to positively contribute to a competitive, ever-changing society.  
Mission: The Von Steuben Counseling Department facilitates long-range success in the domains of academic, social/emotional, and college/career development. With the assistance of all stakeholders, the counseling department advocates for equitable access to enriching and challenging educational opportunities to prepare students for a diverse and demanding 21st century.


Students can visit the counseling office during their lunch, before or after school, or by appointment.

To schedule an appointment, please see the links below.





Ms. Garrity (covering for Ms. McCaw)

801S, 802
701S, 702
601S, 602, 616G
501S, 502, 516G

[email protected]

Garrity Appointments

Ms. Kwan

803S, 804, 819
703S, 704, 719
603S, 604, 616A, 619
503S, 516A, 519

[email protected]

Kwan Appointments

Ms. Gavilanes

805S, 806
705S, 706
605S, 606, 616D
505S, 506, 516D 520

[email protected]

Gavilanes Appointments

Mr. Kenealy

807S, 808
707S, 708
607S, 608, 616B
507S, 508, 516B

[email protected]

Kenealy Appointments

Ms. Martinez

809S, 810, 811
709S, 710, 720
610, 616C
510, 515, 516C

[email protected]

Martinez Appointments

Ms. Bakker (covering for Ms. Albers)


812, 813S
711S, 712
612, 613S, 616E, 620
511S, 512, 516E

[email protected]



Bakker Appointments

Mr. Roman

814, 815S
713S, 714, 715
614, 615, 616F
513S, 514, 516F

[email protected]

Roman Appointments