College Prep Program » College Prep Program

College Prep Program

Who we are

Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center is known for its 90-year commitment to a solid college preparatory program with an emphasis on mathematics, sciences and engineering as well as liberal arts. Students in the College Prep Program are offered an unparalleled academic program that ranges from introductory level to Advanced Placement (AP) courses in each discipline and the opportunity to pursue enrichment coursework in multiple areas. The Gallery 37 program allows students to take advanced classes in the arts. Students interested in computer, police, and firefighting training take classes through the Careers to Education program. The Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment programs allow motivated high school junior and senior students the opportunity to earn college credits while attending high school.

What we believe

It is the strong belief at Von that each student should be engaged in a relevant, rigorous grade-level curriculum that meets the needs of the student body. Throughout their time at Von Steuben, students will develop self-awareness that supports their academic success and social-emotional needs. Students will develop their identity beyond academics and into other new facets of life through interactions with a diverse group of students and teachers. As they grow into young adults, our College Prep students begin to view the world differently and challenge conventional thinking. Through their actions, they may think about larger global issues but act locally in our communities to support change for the better. The graduates of our College Prep program are new ambassadors and leaders for our society - they think critically, question, and become active citizens.

What we achieve

Throughout their time in the program, students are exposed to a wide variety of intellectual and social pursuits that happen both beyond and in connection with their classrooms. They compete in athletics and academic clubs, bringing home awards for Athletic contests, Math Tournaments, Science Fairs, Academic Decathlon, and Policy Debate. They meet new students and experience new learning experiences. Students in the College Prep Program have demonstrated high success rates in Urban Alliance and Jumpstart to Jobs.