Student IDs & Special Passes
Student IDs
- Your first Student ID is free, as it is apart of your school fees
- You must wear your Student ID visibly around your neck everyday and you NOT deface the student ID
- This is mandatory for ALL persons (Students, Staff & Visitors) on school property as it is for the safety of all that on Von’s campus.
- ALL Persons (Students, Staff & Visitors) must swipe in as they enter the building.
- If you forget your ID, you must purchase a Temporary ID for $1.00 at One North Security Desk or in the Student Center in Room 110.
- After 4 consecutive days of purchasing Temp IDs you will be required to purchase a new permanent ID for $5.00 in the Student Center in room 110.
If you do not have $5 cash it will be added to your Student account.
Special Passes
- If you are injured or your 504 requires the use of the Elevator or your 504 requires other accommodations you must bring your Doctor’s note with your Student ID to the Student Center in Room 110.
- There they will issue you a New Student ID which will indicate that you are allowed to use the elevator or other accommodations.
- NOTE: These accommodations are for you only, NOT your peers. Misuse of the elevator or your accommodation will result in an SCC infraction and possibly the pass being revoked.