Scholars Program » Scholars Curriculum & Contract

Scholars Curriculum & Contract


Scholars must complete the following coursework:
  • Honors English - 2 years
  • AP English - 2 years
  • Honors/AP Math - 4 years
  • Honors/AP Science - 4 years
  • Honors/AP Social Science - 3 years
  • Honors/AP World Language - 3 years (4 years recommended)
  • Physical Education - 4 years
  • Fine Arts - 2 years
  • Electives - 3 years
  • Exploring Computer Science (ECS) requirement for c/o 2020 + 
  • Any other CPS requirements
The guide below is a sample for Scholars students. This will vary depending on availability of courses as well as the level of performance demonstrated by students in addition to their interests. Students will work with their counselor each year for academic planning. For more detailed information on course options, see the course catalog under Academics.

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

English I SCHOLARS English II SCHOLARS AP English Language & Culture AP English Literature & Culture
Algebra SCHOLARS or Geometry SCHOLARS Geometry SCHOLARS or Honors Adv. Algebra-Trig Honors Advanced Algebra-Trigonometry/DC Pre-Calc H/AP/DC Math
Biology SCHOLARS Chemistry SCHOLARS H/AP Science  H/AP Science
World Studies  SCHOLARS US History  SCHOLARS/AP Honors Social Science (or senior year)  H/AP Elective
Honors World Language I H World Language II H or AP World Language III H or AP World Language IV
Fine Arts or ECS Fine Arts or ECS H/AP Elective H/AP Elective