Parent Services » Attendance




Excused vs. Unexcused: When proper documentation is provided with a VALID reason for the absence or the reason provided at the time of departure is a valid reason, the absence may be excused. By Illinois State Law, if the reason for departure or the absence does not meet one of the State allowed valid reasons, the absence is Unexcused.
When to report an absence: Absences are to be reported the day of absence by the parent or guardian, or within 48 hours if an emergency has occurred and the parent or guardian is unable to report it that day. 
How to Report an Absence: There are three (3) official ways to report a student's absence per CPS Policy:
  1. PARENTS\GUARDIANS must Submit student's attendance Note via PARENT PORTAL, to learn how to submit via portal CLICK HERE and submit documentation (i.e.  doctors\dentist notes via THIS FORM)
  2. Call the attendance office at 773-534-5100 then dial the prompt for attendance
  3. Bring in a physical Doctor's\parent note to the attendance office in room 110 
What are the valid reasons for an absence? Per CPS and Illinois State law, there are SIX (6) Valid reasons for a student to miss school. Those reasons are:
  1. Sounding taps at a military funeral for a deceased veteran
  2. Parent or legal guardian is an active-duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone
  3. Student illness for a full day’s absence (student cannot be sick and then come late to school unless documented in a 504 plan)
    • This includes 5 mental or behavioral health Days
    • NOTE: If a student is out more than 2 days a doctor’s note is to be provided and can be submitted HERE
  4. Observance of a recognized religious holiday
  5. Death in the immediate family, documentation required if student, misses extend period of school
  6. Family emergency of a member of an immediate family member, documentation required if student, misses extend period of school

Late Arrivals \ Early Dismissals

**CPS asks that doctors and dentist appointments occur after school hours but know it is not always possible for late and early arrivals parents must submit documentation of appointments HERE

Half Day or Full Day Attendance: If a student is picked up or arrives late and misses at least two full classes, they will receive a half day attendance. If the student is picked up and has not attended three full classes, they will receive a full day absence.

Early Dismissals: Students cannot leave the building on their own, even with parent permission, that is for their own safety. If they do, it will be considered a cut and unexcused absence. Students MUST be picked up by a parent/guardian identified on the submitted school emergency form. If the adult is NOT listed, we CANNOT release the student to the person attempting to pick them up.
  • Approved adults must enter through Door B, check in with security with their ID and SIGN the student out
  • Security with then call the student down from class to be dismissed from school
  • All Early Dismissal must occur prior to 2:45pm. For the safety and smooth transition of dismissal of the Von Community, NO early dismissals will be allowed after 2:45pm. 

Tardies (To school and Class)

Everyday: When a student is Tardy to school and or class the Parent\Guardian will receive a text message and email letting them know their child will be late to class.

Every 5 tardies to any class: The teacher of that class will call the parent to inform the parent how many tardies the child has accumulated.
15 total accumulated tardies in a quarter: The parent and student will be notified and the student must serve an after school detention within one week of notification. The student will not be able to participate in clubs or sports until the detention is served. 

30  total accumulated tardies in a quarter: The parent must come up to the school for a parent conference. The student will lose phone privileges for one week.


To be eligible to participate in sports, clubs, go on a field trip, or attend or perform in a Von Event you must meet the following requirements:
  1. ACADEMIC EXPECTATION:  be passing ALL classes or complete a student success plan up to TWO classes.
  2. ATTENDANCE EXPECTATION: No more than 2 unexcused and no more than 3 excused absences in any quarter. For a total of 5 absences in any given quarter. TOTAL MAX YTD:
    1. Q1: 2 UN, 3 EX = 5
    2. Q2: 4 UN, 6 EX = 10
    3. Q3:  6 UN, 9 EX = 15
    4. Q4: 8 UN, 12 EX = 20
  3. ON TIME TO CLASS: Must be on time to class, after 15 in a Quarter, must serve detention to become eligible again.  After 30, ineligible the rest of the Quarter.
  4. UP HOLD PRIDE VALUES: No level 5 or 6 SCC violations. Needs Dean approval